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Thursday, June 2, 2011

About HenryAnthony&Company(H.A.C)

Five years ago, I went to New York City for the first time. It was a short visit therefore I was looking for entertaining places in the city. First, I went to Time Square. As soon as I exited the subway, I really fell in love with the city. Next, as a basketball and soccer fan, I wanted to watch either a basketball game or a soccer game. However, people do not enjoy watching the New York Knicks. They go more often to the Bronx to watch the New York Yankees. In the same way, people would rather watch the New York Giants than New York Red Bulls. Since this moment, I really became interested in the results of these two teams -- Knicks and Red Bulls.
First, it was really disappointing as the Knicks management was clearing its salary cap in order to land NBA star players like LeBron James. Because of this, the team was not competitive for a long time. However, the business investment paid off as they acquired Amare Stoudemire(NBA All-Star) and Carmelo Anthony (NCAA champion in 2003). As far as the Red Bulls are concerned, the management had  Thierry Henry at sight, one of the best strikers in the world who was having trouble in Europe and was spending his summers in New York since 1996. They finally got a four year contract with him last year. Because of both management successes, I think both teams will become more popular in the city in the years to come. When this happens, the next time anybody is looking for entertaining places in the city, they would check out Thierry Henry or Carmelo Anthony.

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